
大会長挨拶Message from Chair


第56回日本結合組織学会学術大会 大会長
Hiromi Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D. (University of Tsukuba)



本大会では、マトリックス分解酵素やプロテオグリカン分野において著名な功績を挙げられた、Suneel Apte 博士(米国クリーブランドクリニック)をキーノートレクチャーにお招きしています。また、細胞外マトリックス分野の先達にご自分の研究を総括してご講演いただくマイスターズレクチャーには、エラスチン研究で著名な、Robert Mecham 博士(米国ワシントン大学セントルイス校)をお招きしています。細胞外マトリック生物学を牽引してこられたお二人のご講演とディスカッションを通して、十分にマトリックス研究を堪能していただきたいと思います。また、本大会の初の試みとして、International Junior Investigators Forum を設け、若手研究者に最新の成果を発表していただきます。

本大会のスローガンは、"Matrix Revival"です。これは、コロナ禍で途絶えていた国内外研究者のface-to-faceの交流を復活させ、細胞外マトリックスの研究のさらなる発展を祈念してつけました。マトリックス研究の最先端をご紹介するシンポジウムや一般演題、ポスター発表と、2日間にわたり白熱した議論を通して共同研究の輪が広がり、マトリックス研究のリバイバルがつくばの地で起こりますように、尽力する所存でございます。



Greetings from the Chair

We are pleased to announce that the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Matrix Biology and Medicine will be held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center in Tsukuba on June 15 (Sat) and 16 (Sun), 2024.

The conference is set to comprehensively explore a diverse array of basic, clinical, and applied research on the extracellular matrix (ECM), a fundamental component of connective tissue. The ECM serves a crucial role within the extracellular environment shaped by cells and is known for imparting physical properties such as stiffness, elasticity, and tensile strength to tissues. It engages in intricate interactions with cells, orchestrating a multitude of cellular functions. The spectrum of diseases involving the ECM is extensive, encompassing skin, bone, joint, aortic, ocular, and neurodegenerative conditions as well as fibrotic disease and cancer. Recently, ECM degeneration during aging has also attracted attention. Biomaterial engineering, regenerative medicine, and anti-aging therapy are poised to emerge as pivotal arenas of research, leveraging the potential of the ECM. This conference stands as a unique gathering in Japan, where ECM researchers from academia and industry converge to deliberate on novel discoveries, fostering invaluable opportunities for the advancement of research in this dynamic field.

Dr. Suneel Apte (Cleveland Clinic, USA), renowned for significant contributions in matrix-degrading enzymes and proteoglycans has been invited to deliver a Keynote Lecture at this forthcoming conference. Dr. Robert Mecham (Washington University in St. Louis, USA), a distinguished scientist and a pioneering figure in elastin research, has also been extended an invitation to present Meister's Lecture. This lecture not only promises to showcase his groundbreaking research but also to offer valuable guidance to junior researchers. We hope you will fully enjoy matrix research through the lectures and discussions of these two ECM biology leaders. Furthermore, a new addition to this year’s conference is the inaugural International Junior Investigators Forum, providing a platform for emerging scholars to present their latest findings.

The conference is centered around the theme "Matrix Revival". This slogan was chosen in the hope that the post-Corona era will usher in a renaissance of everyday life, reigniting the face-to-face interactions amongst domestic and international ECM researchers that were disrupted by the pandemic. We will make every effort to expand the circle of collaborative research through heated discussions over the two days of symposia, general presentations, and poster presentations introducing the state-of-the-art matrix research, and we hope that a revival of matrix research will take place in Tsukuba.

Tsukuba International Congress Center has been run under the leadership of Director Leo Esaki, a Nobel Prize winner in Physics, with the aim of creating and transmitting new ideas and innovations from Tsukuba Science City to the world. It is a 10-minute walk from Tsukuba Express station. You will enjoy Mt. Tsukuba overlooking the Kanto Plain and Lake Kasumigaura, and various tastes of Tsukuba, including Hitachi beef, Fukure oranges, and JAXA's space food.

We are preparing for this event with the entire management team, and we sincerely hope that you will join us and support us in our efforts.


第56回日本結合組織学会学術大会 副会長
Kazunori Mizuno, Ph.D. (Nippi Research Institute of Biomatrix)





Greetings from the Vice Chair

I am very honored to support Chair Prof. Hiromi Yanagisawa, and serve as Vice Chair of the 56th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Matrix Biology and Medicine for the year 2024. I would also like to thank all the members of the meeting preparation committee.

The annual meeting of JSMBM is the premiere domestic forum for matrix biology and medicine research, bringing together scientists from academia, medicine, and industry. Over the course of my own career researching the biochemistry of collagen, I have benefited tremendously from engaging with JSMBM researchers, whose expertise range from basic science to clinical medicine.

The meeting in 2024 will emphasize the broad scope of ECM research from basic molecular science to physiology and disease. Together with Prof. Hiromi, I am planning programs that will cover the broad scope of Matrix Biology and Medicine, from basic molecular science to the various ECM functions in physiology and disease, in order to create new interactions among researchers.
Please encourage your colleagues and students to join the meeting.
I hope to see you at Tsukuba next year.

Best regards,
