演題募集Call for Abstracts
2024年1月17日(水)~3月17日(日) 3月31日(日)17:00
日本結合組織学会 事務局
- 左側に日本語、右側に英語で記入してください(日本語要旨作成が困難な場合は英語のみでも可)。
- 1ページに収まるようにしてください。
- フォント、レイアウトはサンプルファイルのままにしてください。
日本語はタイトルがMSゴシック(ボールド)10.5pt、本文がMS明朝10.5pt、英語はタイトルがTimes New Roman (bold) 10.5pt、本文がTimes New Roman 10.5ptです。行間もなるべくそのままにしてください。 - 発表者氏名に下線を引いてください。
- キーワード(3つ以内)をページ下部に記入してください。
Young Investigator Award (YIA)への応募
- 2024年4月1日時点で40歳未満の日本結合組織学会会員。
- 応募者は演題の筆頭演者で発表者に限ります。
- 他学会のものを含め3年以内に受賞歴のある応募者は、受賞内容について応募の際に開示をお願いいたします。
〒501-2517 岐阜県岐阜市三輪ぷりんとぴあ3
E-mail:jsmbm2024[at]kohmura.co.jp ※[at]は@に置き換えてください。
第56回日本結合組織学会学術大会 大会事務局
〒305-8577 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1
TEL:029-853-7323 FAX:029-853-7322
E-mail:JSMBM24@tara.tsukuba.ac.jp ※@を半角に置き換えてください。
Abstract Submission Schedule
January 17 (Wed) – March 17 (Sun) 17:00 March 31 (Sun), 2024 JST
You must be a JSMBM member and complete the payment of annual membership fee for this year to submit an abstract for regular presentation.
Inquiries about JSMBM membership
JSMBM secretariat
E-mail: office@jsmbm.org
Membership information: https://jsmbm.org/guide/
All presenters must register in advance and submit an abstract.
You are required to enter their registration number when submitting the abstract.
Guideline of the Abstracts
Please download the sample file (MS-Word) below and prepare your abstract by overwriting the contents of the file. A blank template is also available for download.
Please write in Japanese on the left side and in English on the right side.
(If you are not a Japanese speaker, you may write in English only.)
Please make sure that the abstract fits on one page.
The font and layout should be the same as in the sample file.
For Japanese, MS Gothic (bold) 10.5pt for the title and MS Mincho 10.5pt for the body. For English, use Times New Roman (bold) 10.5pt for the title and Times New Roman 10.5pt for the body. Please keep the line spacing as wide as possible.
Please underline the name of the presenter.
Please lest keywords (up to three) at the bottom of the page.
Application for Young Investigator Award
Please apply to JSMBM Young Investigator Award if you are qualified.
We encourage you to apply for JSMBM Young Investigator Award.
- The age is under 40 on April 1st, 2024. The applicant needs to be a member of the JSMBM.
- The applicant is required to be the first author and the presenter.
- The applicant needs to disclose the record of honors and awards within recent three years.
Notification of Acceptance
Notifications will be sent to registered email addresses in end of April. We appreciate your understanding that the decision on abstract acceptance is entirely up to the Program Committee.
How to submit an abstract
All submissions will be accepted online.
Please click the "Abstract Submission form" button at the bottom of this page.
Please fill in all the fields and upload your abstract file (.docx format).
You will receive an auto-reply email to the email address you entered.
If you do not receive the auto-reply email, please check your "junk/trash folder" before contacting us.
You can edit your submitted abstract during submission period as many times as you need. You will access the link in the auto-reply email to edit your abstract.
Submitted abstracts cannot be edited once the submission period is closed.
Contact us
Inquiries about abstract registration
Abstract registration services are outsourced to KOHMURA Inc.
E-mail: jsmbm2024[at]kohmura.co.jp *Change [at] to @
Inquiries about The 56th Annual Meeting of the JSMBM
E-mail: JSMBM24[at]tara.tsukuba.ac.jp *Change [at] to @